Vitalij Kuprij

Vitalij Kuprij (Ring of Fire, Artension, Trans Siberian Orchestra)

Nato a Kiev (Ucraina), Kuprij ha partecipato e vinto numerosi premi e concorsi internazionali quali il Primo Premio al All-Union Chopin Competition, la Medaglia d’Oro al Concorso del Conservatorio di Kiev, il Poltawa, Mykola Lyssenko Competition, NY Piano Competition, il Duo Competition per Violino e Piano di Ginevra, il Piano 80, il Swiss Youth Competition, Cleveland Competition, ed altri ancora. Il famoso flautista James Galway lo ha scelto come suo accompagnatore in vari tour nel 1995/97.

L’attivita’ concertistica di Kuprji si divide tra tour in tutto il mondo dagli States al Giappone come pianista concertista ma anche come uno tra i piu’ rinomati virtuosi tastieristi rock, con le sue bands Artension e Ring of Fire, sempre ai primi posti delle Charts di mezza Europa e autentica Rockstar in Giappone. A differenza dei pianisti tradizionali, la grande versatilita’ e la sua capacita’ di saper mediare con il mondo neo-classico, lo rende una delle forze primarie del rock alternativo e dell’esplorazione musicale odierna. Kuprij ha la capacita’ di espandere gli orizzonti dell’ arte pianistica oltre, rendendolo una delle grandi realta’ di oggi ma soprattutto del futuro. Attualmnte Vitalij Kuprij è nelle file della famosa band americana, Trans Siberian Orchestra.


Vitalij Kuprij, pianist and composer, has been the recipient of numerous awards and prizes. He won the prestigious first prize as the youngest person to compete in the All Union Chopin Competition held in the Republic of Kazan, Soviet Union; the gold medal in the Kiev Conservatory Competition and the Poltawa, Ukraine Mykola Lyssenko Competition. In addition he received first prize in the Geneva Duo Competition for Violin and Piano as well as the gold medal in the Piano 80 and Swiss Youth Competition; the Chicago Piano Competition; the New York Piano Competition; and the Cleveland Piano Competition

There is another side to this multi-faceted young artist….Unlike most classically trained musicians Vitalij’s cross-over capability into the neo-classical world evidences him as a leading force in the alternative rock and musical exploration as we know it today. He has numerous albums out under the Marquee Avalon and Yamaha labels. After moving to “Number Two” on the Japanese charts he has received offers from promoters for a world tour. He has been seen on the college scene to outstanding raves and has been heard giving incredible Master Classes and workshops in institutions and various venues throughout the United States including recent sessions in the Tower Record stores in Japan. Here he has a tremendous following evidenced from the latest polls and charts. Since few years Vitalij Kuprij joined the famous american band, Trans Siberian Orchestra.







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